Backing up photos is a critical step for the photographer and client. At Darling Digital Photography, we recently upgraded our camera, so we have dual SD card slots and can back up the images as they are being shot. Camera memory cards do fail, it’s rare, but this provides a backup if there is an unlikely problem with the card reader.
After the session, the photos are uploaded to two storage systems, the NAS, or Network Attached Storage, and the cloud using Dropbox, before they get deleted from the SD cards. NAS storage is a high capacity storage system in our home that connects to the home office and cloud storage is on a server farm off-site, in case of a home emergency. We keep the JPG files delivered to our clients on both storage systems, and recommend our clients do the same.
If you have questions related to backing up your photos, please contact info@darlingdigitalphotography.com and we would be happy to help you safely preserve your memories.